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Hi! I'm Kensley Mericci

I am an autistic content creator. I help other high masking autistic women to process adult autism diagnoses. My special interest is the correlation between complex trauma and autism in high-masking women. I am self studied, having begun my research in 2019. It is my passion to help others to understand themselves while knowing they are not alone in the process.

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My Story

I spent my childhood being emotionally abused and neglected by my caretakers and counterparts at school. I felt alone and isolated throughout my childhood, and consistently struggled to understand why I was feeling this way, and why those around me treated me differently. I moved away from my hometown in 2019 after ending an abusive long-term relationship with my first long-term boyfriend, dropping out of college and cutting contact with my family in an attempt to understand my childhood and heal. After a long healing journey, I began creating content to recount my experiences and connect with others who had endured similar trauma. In 2022 I founded my business UNMASK. Today, I have worked with over 130 women and have reached over 10 million people through my content. 

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