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  • Writer's pictureKensley Mericci

The Relationship Between Chronic Anxiety and Generational Trauma

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

Have you ever wondered why chronic anxiety seems to run in some families, with one generation passing it down to the next like an unwanted heirloom? Well, here's the truth that the medical world might not want you to know: chronic anxiety isn't typically a result of your genetics but rather a consequence of generational trauma. In this blog post, we'll explore how generations o

f unhealed trauma can perpetuate anxiety, depression, and other symptoms, debunking the myth of "genetic anxiety."

**Breaking the Cycle of Generational Anxiety**

Imagine a cycle where anxiety is passed down from parent to child. A mother with anxiety inherits it from her own anxious mother, who, in turn, received it from her ancestors. It might seem like a hereditary condition, but there's more to the story. This cycle continues not just due to genetics but be

cause of various other factors, such as:

1. **Choice of Partner**: Individuals often select partners with similar anxious tendencies, reinforcing the cycle.

2. **Normalization of Anxiety**: When anxiety is normalized and "treated" with medication and coping mechanisms rather than addressing the root causes, it persists.

3. **Unhealthy Coping Strategies**: Even if the coping mechanisms seem functional, they may not truly heal anxiety but merely suppress it.

My own family history illustrates this cycle of anxiety. Going back four generations, my great-grandparents had a challenging life, immigrating from Europe with a large family. Their children never learned their

native language, and they struggled to make ends meet. This environment created a sense of chronic fear and anxiety, which was passed down through the generations. My grandmother, who lived through these circumstances, had a profound fear of scarcity and struggled with attachment issues, marrying my grandfather after knowing him for only three months. He, too, had a traumatic family background marked by violence and anxiety. Both were diagnosed and medicated for their anxiety, and the pattern continued with my mother and eventually me, creating a chain of "genetic" chronic anxiety. It's important to recognize that this anxiety was, in fact, an unhealed trauma response passed down for over a cen


**The Rise in Anxiety Diagnoses**

You might be wondering why anxiety diagnoses seem to be on the rise. The increase in diagnoses is not necessarily because more people have anxiety; instead, it's due to decreased stigma and increased awareness. In the 21st century, open communication forums have allowed individuals to share their mental health experiences more openly. Unlike in the past, where discussions abo

ut mental health occurred within small social circles and trauma responses were normalized, there is now a broader network for people to share their experiences. The media reports higher anxiety levels among young people because this demographic is more exposed to advanced technology and social media. They are also more inclined to seek help when needed.

Older individuals might not seek help because they have been living with anxiety for decades, and changing their lifestyle seems too challenging. Medical doctors often prescribe medication rather than addressing the root causes of anxiety, as this approach may not be in their best interest. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety dis

orders are the most common mental illness in the US, affecting approximately 20% of the population. Treatment options typically include therapy, medication, complementary and alternative treatments, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Unfortunately, most therapy options focus on symptom management rather than identifying and addressing the root causes of anxiety.

**A Different Approach**

If you've made it this far in the blog post, chances are you or someone you know is struggling with chronic anxiety and seeking lasting solutions. It's time to break free from the cycle of generational anxiety and explore deeply transformative methods that get to the heart of the issue. Instead of investing thousands of dollars in band-aid solutions, I offer practical steps to identify the root causes of anxiety and heal from within. No questions left unanswered, no short-term treatments, just a comprehensive approach to reclaim your mental well-being.

Ready to start your journey towards healing? Click here. It's time to break free from the cycle and embrace a future free from generational anxiety.

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